Sunday, July 24, 2011

Parading with the New Torah!

Doda Rivka's son Avinoam, his wife Hephtzi and Doda HadassahOkay... you need very LOUD soundtrack here of the AMAZING Sephardi music playing as we paraded!
There were big displays of fireworks.
Moshe Pomerantz. He is back in New Orleans again for a liver transplant. He should have an immediate refuah.
Uh oh. He has that look in his eye.
I like the fluorescent lights inside the Torah's chuppah!
I told Itzik I could just hear your Sabba and Safta ...after watching all this from Gan Eden.... "All this for us?!" Your Safta would have been out there directing everyone to the food tables (that she would have cooked all by herself) and your Sabba would have been beaming, hands on his hips and exclaim, "Kol HaKovod!!"
Yitzchok Shpock. See his story and his connection to New Orleans ----->> Eliezer (Shalom's cousin, who also spent time in New Orleans) Yechi, Ta, Yechi's grandfather (my special friend lol) and his lovely grandmother (-:

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