Monday, July 25, 2011

Ta back in Israel after 9 years away...

Here we are!With Yossi, Moshe Mizrachi (Ta's cousin- Doda Hadassah's son), Itzik and Or
With Dod Mordechai (Safta's brother)Dod Mordechai, Achi (Mordechai's son, Ta's cousin) check a fishing net that Mordechai makes by hand.
Achi took a branch from one of Sabba's trees from his orchard (gone now) and transplanted it onto the stump of another small tree. Sabba's trees live on!div>
Doda Hadassah
There's nothing mom loves more than big rolls of gold metallic plastic tablecloths! Yah!
On Rehov Hertzel. Errands.
We stopped at Doda Rivka's house who passed away this past year.
Just when we wanted to start feeling sad..... we walked in and there was Doda Rivka's son Avinoam and his wife Hephtzi! Just back from America. They are going to live in the house now. I always remembered that when I first met them, Avi said about his wife, "If Israel were a ring, Hephtzi would be the diamond!" Aw.
Doda Rivka's playground.
At the cemetary.

Ta's Old Neighborhood

Ta said he wanted to walk around his old neighborhood. So we pulled the car over and got out.
Where Doda Joya used to live.
What used to be the "dangerous toy store." I once bought a new, in the package, tamborine for one of you and it dropped on the floor and it split in 2. I then saw that the thing was held together with about 8 sharp rusty nails. Nadiv would often spend his "glida" money on cap guns here.
Your old friend. Look familiar? This *couldn't* be the same one could it???

Looking up Ta's street from Rehov Hertzel
The building that now stands on Saba and Safta's place.Our Ta. Okay, back to reality and some falafel. Top 2 questions from you kids. "How's Chill?" and "What kind of car did you rent?" Here it is.

In Memory of Moshe & Shoshana Kehaty. Our Ema & Abba, Our Sabba & Safta