Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yerushalyim with Yossi, then Maharat ha'Machapelah with Shalom

Yossi has a clergy tag that lets him park right inside by the kotel. Nice.
Have no clue what was going on here. It wasn't a bar or bas mitzvah. There were no pre-teens under the tallisim. So - ?
I turned around and there was Shalom walking up with Ta and Yossi. They must have planned meeting at the Kotel over the phone and I was daydreaming. Wow, I was surprised and happy to see him!
Dovid HaMelech
Yossi had to leave to give a talk at a Seminar, so we stayed with Shalom and continued on our journey with him. But first stop was his print shop! His father owned a print shop too- like father like son!
We picked up Shalom's cousin Eliezer and we went on to Kever Rachel. Look at it now. *Cringe*
Doo Doo met us there.
This is all still Kever Rachel. This is peace?
Cave haMachpelaPoor Ta, lugging around my purse all over tarnation.

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